About us
Our advanced job recommendation engine leverages machine learning to deliver personalized recommendations based on users' skills and preferences, making the search process easier. At JobsBear, we strive to provide a customized experience that helps our users/job seekers find the right opportunities efficiently and effortlessly. JobsBear currently operates in the UK, US, Canada, and South Africa, with plans to expand into Europe and Latin America. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering the best job search experience to our users.

Our expertise
High traffic, Quality traffic
Generating top-quality traffic to your job listings, ensuring maximum exposure.
UK Market Leader
Generating top-quality traffic to your job listings, ensuring maximum exposure.
Advanced Audience Targeting
Reach potential candidates beyond those who actively search for your job postings.
Dedicated Support
Our team is passionate about providing top-quality customer service.
Our Numbers
Visitors per Month
Job recommendations a day
open positions

Why work with us
Smart job feed distribution with property AI algorithm to engage users
DTL - dynamic text links to search result page or career page
Custom branded banner - To increase your brand awareness
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